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Quick tips for youngsters struggling for time management

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Quick tips for youngsters struggling for time management

Managing time not only makes us complete our work but also give us ample time for ourselves. People can work smarter when they learn to manage their time effectively. However, each human is wired uniquely different. It Increases Your Productivity: If you manage your time effectively, it adds to your productivity levels. Assigning a fixed time for all the tasks to be done in a day lets you plan your day in advance and enables you to do more tasks in less time. But you should remember that this will only be effective if you do your work on time, procrastination will definitely have a negative effect on your productivity. It Keeps Your Work Organised: The best way of time management for students is to create and follow a fixed timetable for each day. This is beneficial for students since they will have a clear idea of the different tasks to be done each day, and they could also easily mark the tasks as done after completing them. This will make your daily tasks organised and you can even choose to do the more important ones first by putting them at the top of the things-to-do list. Positive Effect On Health: Good time management efforts also reflect on your health. When you manage your time effectively, you don’t have to stay up late to finish your tasks. Cutting down on your sleep time will lead to tiredness, which will hamper your schedule for the day. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your brain and body to recharge itself, and this reflects positively on your health and energy levels. More Time For Extracurricular Activities: When you have a fixed schedule for all your tasks for the day, you get an idea of the extra time you will have left after completing all your tasks. You can schedule your tasks in a way so that you get more time to do what you love. This can include hobbies like drawing, painting, singing, dancing, photography etc, or you can even go cycling or jogging to get some fresh air to refresh yourself. It Helps in Stress Reduction: Not completing your studies, assignments and projects can cause you to be stressed out. Taking care of our mental health is very important for everyone, and since students often get increased stress and anxiety levels due to the pressure of studies, it reflects on their poor performance. Effective time management can help you in lessening this mental pressure, which will also boost your confidence and energy levels. No Last-minute Cramming of Syllabus: One problem that students often face is not completing their syllabus on time. This leads to them cramming up all the chapters just before the exams, which undoubtedly makes them get lower scores than they expected. With proper techniques of time management for students, they can not only complete studying the chapters in their syllabus on time, but also have some extra time left for their revisions. Plan out each day: Although it is likely that plans can change, don’t let it get in the way of your planning. Putting aside a few minutes each night or evening at the end of your workday to plan out tomorrow can help you wake up the next day ready to take it on! Plan out and prioritize your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks One of the best ways I create schedules is through planners. Go to the store and buy yourself a planner. Then start filling in the due dates of tasks for the month and list them in order of prioritization. Once this is done, you can then start building out a weekly schedule and plans for each individual day. Don’t forget to leave some areas of free time in case something gets in the way and you’ll have the extra time to complete it! By planning and creating schedules, you can help make your life run more smoothly! You can also check off the tasks you finished, which in turn will make you feel more productive. Time management is the art of making the optimum utilization of your time on different activities to achieve your desired goals of life. Managing your time is the key to success. The problem is that there is no standard time schedule that can work for all people. Your time management depends on various factors like your nature and the goals to be achieved. You have to develop your own time management formula which can make you productive and successful. Identification of Goal: If you don’t know where to go, you would never reach anywhere in life. If you keep changing your goal post frequently, you would never be able to score success. The key to success lies in identifying your goals of life. You can have one or more goals in your life like getting a good job, maintaining good family relationship, start your own company, keeping good health etc. You must be specific in your goals in order to procced in the right direction. The real challenge in goal setting is to eliminate many less important goals from your life. For example, if you wish to become a top civil service officer, you may have to forget about doing jobs, MBA or research or become a writer or singer. People don’t want to lose anything since the pain of losing something immediately is much greater than the joy of gaining something in future. Unless you are willing to let go less important things of life, you can’t achieve most important things in your life. Prioritizing: Even if we have many goals, but their priorities keep changing with time. For example, when we have examination on our head, we may have to make studies the top priority. However, once exams are over, studies may be given last priority for some time. You must be able change your priorities depending upon the context. Planning and Scheduling: Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. You must spend a good amount of time to plan your work. Planning should be done on annual, monthly and daily basis. You must keep some margin for the unplanned events as well so that you meet the deadlines set by you. Your goals should be ambitious but reasonable which can be achieved with little more effort than you usually do. You must plan for the day every morning and follow up the schedule. If there is some loss of time due to unavoidable reason, make up that time by putting up extra effort so that you keep your schedule intact. Keeping Variety: Our mind gets bored by doing the same thing for a long time. We must vary the activities over the course of the day and the week. For example, we can plan a movie or an event in the weekend. We can also allocate different time for doing different subjects or different type of activities within the same subject. We can also vary our input methods like books, internet, video, discussion with friends etc. for learning. Emphasis on Quality: Many people focus on quantity and believe that more is better. They study as many books as possible for examinations. They work as long hours in the office as they can. Instead of focusing on the outcome, they are focused on inputs. You must rather focus on the outcome and efficiency. The path that gives maximum output with minimum input is the best. Perform one work at a time and take up the next work only when first is over. Delegate: Instead of doing everything yourself, learn to delegate or outsource the work to people. The more you delegate, the more time you have to focus on doing the quality work. However, keep monitoring the work that is delegated and spend time to guide your subordinates to maintain the quality standards. Revision and Feedback: It is said that practice makes one perfect. Only when you practice the same thing over several times, you would be able to master it. Instead of devoting more time for learning in one go, divide it for original reading plus multiple revisions. In your professional life, you can get constant feedback of your decisions so that you can do the necessary modifications to achieve the goals. Avoid Diversions: It is difficult to concentrate on something important but it is easy to break the concentration. Once the concentration is broken, it takes a long time to focus again. You must switch off all the notifications on mobile and keep your phone on silent mode to avoid any diversion. You can allot fixed time every day for watching TV, and using email. Facebook. WhatsApp etc. Avoid Stress: When we are under stress, our efficiency goes down drastically. You can’t run long distance with huge rucksack on your back. Stress can even immobilize you and make you numb. Pain is always more powerful than pain. When we are undergoing any type of physical, mental or emotional pain, we can’t focus on the task in hand. Avoid all forms of stress and avoiding doing things that brings stress. Don’t engage in illegal or immoral activities which gives short time pleasure but long time pain. Be Positive: When you are positive, your mind works at its best. The positive emotional like love, faith, hope improves your efficient and hence you make best use of your time. Avoid doing negative things and avoid being in the company of negative people. Don’t allow the negative thoughts to seep into your mind and fill your mind always with positive thoughts. Prayers, company of positive people and reading inspirational books can help your eliminate negativity from your life.  

CoachingSelect September 11, 2022

How to Keep Yourself Motivated to Study

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How to Keep Yourself Motivated to Study

Find Your Spot A comfortable chair in a place that has minimal distractions can surely help you focus better. Over a period of time, your mind will eventually start associating that spot exclusively with productivity, focus and learning. So, the next time you sit down to study, clear your desk. Keep your phone away, remove any object that could meddle with your attention and place only the essentials on your desk. If you are studying online, close all the unwanted tabs and block any unnecessary websites that you might feel tempted to check. Take a Stroll What happens when you exercise? Endorphins are pumped into your bloodstream! This hormone erases the lingering fatigue and brain fog, restoring focus and improving your mood. So, a nice 30-minute walk might be just what you need to focus on studying. It nudges you in the right direction, getting you back on the productivity track. Go Easy in the Beginning   It’s definitely not a great idea to start with the most challenging chapters at a time when you are already struggling to focus. The next time you find yourself in such a situation, go over the previous chapter you recently studied or choose a topic that you know will be easy for you to learn. By doing this, you will not only keep the momentum going but also be able to focus better. Don’t Forget to Reward Yourself All work and no play means you will find your motivation and focus fading in a very short period of time. Thus, it is important to treat yourself to something you love once in a while. You can pick anything — an episode of your favourite show, an hour of gaming or even a scoop of a new ice cream flavour. Remember, a little self-appreciation can do great wonders. Keep up your motivation Once you accomplish the tasks in the list, cross-out the task and reward yourself. Treat yourself with your favourite snack or play a video game or take a walk in the neighbourhood or anything else that you find relaxing. During home learning or home tutoring, such positive reinforcement can keep you going. Manage Time When you opt for home tutoring sessions or online classes, you may lose track of time. Utilize your time management skills to tackle it. Plan your study schedule and the time needed to study each subject. Set yourself realistic targets. Let the sessions be optimal. Keep learning and have fun Where applicable, learn concepts by implementing them in real-life scenarios. This is especially true in subjects like Maths and Science. Take time to explore, conduct fun experiments and understand the concepts better and deeper. Focus on One Thing Multitasking may not work for everyone and it can even become a distraction for some. Especially because giving 100% attention to all tasks is impossible. Get More Done-One Thing at a Time. Zack says that multitasking is a myth and we can actually be more productive by taking up one task at a time. Take a Cue From Nature One of the easiest ways to be more productive in studies is by making the most of the time when your energy levels are high. Look at the Long Term Getting things done on a daily basis without a goal is not helpful. There needs to be a long term goal to be more productive in your studies. Establish reasonable goals for a study session. You probably won’t get very far if you look at your study session as "mission impossible." Use a motivational poster The poster should include positive words and a picture depicting success. You can buy one or even make your own. You can also read inspirational stories about real people who have achieved success through effort. Reality check of your life : Daily try to connect dots of your purpose with your target, Meditate daily, See where you stand now in your life and where you want to be in few years, Check your ground reality , Knit your priorities over distractions.

Coaching Select June 09, 2022

Time management tips to ace competitive Exams

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Time management tips to ace competitive Exams

6 Time Management Tips for Competitive Exam Preparation & Maximising Productivity Time management is the most important aspect of any competitive exam preparation & a key to academic success. Without proper time management tips, studies are not going to benefit you no matter how hard you study because lack of time organization will result in no synchronisation between your syllabus to cover and the amount of time you have. Most of the competitive exams have a specific time limit & a whole lot of syllabus to be completed. Thus, after giving best and even with good preparation many students often fail to get the desired score to secure their seats and all because of time management skills. These competitive exams test not only your knowledge but also your efficiency.  Time management can be a bit frustrating but once you master it, you can easily reap the results. Now when you have decided to manage your time, it should be done in the most efficient & effective way. Most of the students get over-enthusiastic while making time table & setting high goals which seem possible theoretically but hard to achieve & adhere to practically. It is the only realistic approach towards time management can work and help. So how to optimise the limited time and make most of it remains unclear & unanswered. To help you out and bring clarity, here are some excellent time management tips for you.   1. Organise the time Organization always helps clear all things up. In this case, the ultimate goal is to gain control over time. Through an organisation, you can take total control of time not the other way round & remove stress. It helps you devise a better strategy. Start organising your to-do list months before the exam date. The main objective is for you to have a clear picture of your upcoming days, weeks and months. Prepare a daily, weekly & monthly schedule. When you plan your days & weeks well before in advance, time can be your friend rather than your enemy. This way you can analyse how much time you actually require for studies, sleep and other activities. By doing this you will be having a clear picture of how much time is left & how much to be covered. Accordingly, you can allot time to each subject & topic. Based on this you can optimise your time by cut down on the time you spend on unnecessary activities & making more time for your studies. Life improves when you decide to do things differently, so organise to master it.   2. Assess the time Many students claim that they study a lot or study all the time but it is far from reality. Cracking competitive exam is not just about to study hard but also about studying according to your needs & requirements. The only way to discover how many hours of your busy day you actually studied is by completing a personal time assessment. To begin with, you need to assess your time for a few days, like for a week. The effective method needs you to keep the track of everything you do in an entire week, like from the time you wake up to the time you actually went to bed to sleep. It requires recording each & every detail. How much time do you spend on studying, sleeping, eating, exercising, travelling, being online or over the phone & count the number of hours spent on each activity? This way you will be having a clear & complete picture of where your time is consuming. This exercise will remove the notion of “studying all the time” from your mind & eventually makes things apparent. If you found that you are wasting time on a lot of activities other then studies, you can try to balance by eliminating the time bandits by making some adjustments in your habits to get better control over your precious time. Overall it will bring another pang of understanding which will be motivating you to shift gears.   3. Prioritise Time management is all about allocating time wisely to be on point and achieve your goals.  The best way to manage your time is by prioritizing it & allotting time to work accordingly. Prioritizing will make you able to take a proactive approach in determining how to proceed with your overall preparation. Incorporate all your activities in a schedule but first, know which one to prioritize and highest time to be given on. Here, of course, it is studying in which allocate lesser time to your strong areas & more time to weaker ones. Now, dig deeper into the subjects or topics and analyse the time required for each topic or so on. Like, if a topic is complicated, devote more time to that and less time to the topics you are confident with but in any circumstance do not skip any topic or subject during preparation. Once you decide how to complete all tasks and cover all topics as per priority analysis over weekly, monthly & yearly basis, it will boost your chances. This time planning will increase your awareness and making it less likely for you to squander your precious time away meaninglessly.   4. Schedule The most important thing in terms of time management is preparing a perfect time table or scheduling your studies. You have tracked your activities, know how much time you have and established your priorities. Now, this is a moment to prepare a proper schedule based on your findings which respect your priorities. Do not get over ambitious and stick to a balanced schedule and choose whatever seems best for you. Create a neat timetable mentioning all activities that you plan on doing during the day and select weekly planners that enable them to see the big picture more easily. Set up your schedule in order to first mark your fixed commitments which cannot be avoided such as your daily classes, tutorials and any other job if you are in. Now add in your study time by blocking large section of your day dedicated for studying only with short review intervals. You need to organise your peak study time in such a way that it coincides with the time when you are most alert and awake. Your schedule should also include your sleep time, exercise time, eating time and all other non-study activities. The clearer your schedule is, the better it will be for recording success. It is very important to be logical and also very short break times to be included so your brain is refreshed. In addition to weekly planners should include a large monthly wall calendar where all important due dates, deadlines exam dates etc clearly marked so it is always in front of you to remind. It will keep you extra aware of important dates and times. You need to make sure you follow your timetable religiously and manage the time accordingly.   5. Review Studying alone doesn’t make you completely ready but reviewing your preparation and evaluating yourself time to time is essential & very critical.  To help review you can use review cards which can easily be kept and used while travelling or waiting in a long line somewhat like cafeteria or bus stop etc or so on. You can keep review cards in common areas of your house where you pass through frequently and read them over when waiting for something else to happen. Frequent repetition and introspection is one of the keys to remember all information effectively. You should always make your own short notes in your own way, as that will help you big time to revise a few days before the examination. Spend around 10 minutes before bed to quickly recap all that you learnt during the day. Also to help you must write sample papers for the competitive exam you are preparing for. First set up an exam like environment & attempt sample paper without taking breaks with a specific time. Then evaluate & analyse your answer sheet well & not to forget to revise the topics where you got incorrect answers of. This way you can check your speed & accuracy which will help you in gaining confidence. Also, this will help you to come up with your own unique strategy & belief in your preparations.   6. Adhere & Follow the Plan Generally, the biggest time management mistake students commit is not adhering and fail to follow the plan. Overall the biggest challenge you will face during time management & preparations is actually follow through & stick to the commitments you have planned. It is mandatory & very crucial to adhere to your schedule and strictly follow the time table which you have laid out. All efforts will be in vain if you are not sincere & honest. Of course, it needs the dedication to go back to the timetable and follow that to the dot but ensure that you study the same way throughout the year to avoid any rush at the end. Never take the stress & stay positive by belief in self. A bit of exercising & meditation can surely help towards this. Proper time management during preparations requires a lot of dedication, logic, self-discipline and organization but as you know yourself better so remain logical and true to yourself. There is no shortcut to success so be adhere strictly with a schedule to achieve it. When you master these time management tips, you will definitely & certainly be able to study without burnout and achieve the goal.

CoachingSelect August 20, 2021